29 March 2011

My Third Demonstration! Nicolai Chu 2B(22)

  This was my third demonstration in Western District. As you saw, I was demonstrating taekwondo. I like playing taekwondo, I have been playing taekwondo since I was  4 years old.
  My  third demonstration  took part on January16,2011.I was very nervous  because there were many people watching around. I was nervous that  I  would make  a mistake on this demonstration.I  have  done  very  well  at  first.But  finally,I had  to  kick  and  break  five  woods  by  levels  from  lower   to  above  the  head. But  I  couldn't  break the last wood, so my master was  upset  and   shouted  at  me.
 I hope that my future demonstration or next  competition will get a good result.So I need to work  hard  and   harder   to  be  the  best.

1 comment:

  1. Nicolai, thanks a lot for your sharing.
    Practice makes perfect. You may need to practise more in order to do better next time. Very good! =)
