31 March 2011

only 2 hours to live -2c(11)GP3 Nicole Pang

Because of human beings. The earth is full of sickness .AND the last day of our earth is coming. I want to do everything that I want as soon as I can. I have only 2 hours to live before the world ends. I would eat all my favourite food first, such as fish ball, spaghetti and instant noodles.
I would do crazy thing that I have never done. I would rare with my classmates in badminton competition. Also I would go to Ocean Park to get on roller coaster that would make excited. Furthermore, I would buy a big bunch of flower for my parents. Although I only have two hours to live, it would make them happy for a while of moment.
I would also visit all my best friends around me and take photo with them. I would print out the photo immediately as a souvenir.
I hope I can do all things before it is coming.
OH MY! The light is off and the rainstorm is heavy and other thing else is soon coming……………

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